Talk and workshop, Dörnberg/Kassel, 30.8.-2.9.2018
Key to Paramecium species, translated into German by Thilo Bauer from the original text (Fokin, 2010).
Also available at: Mikro-tuemplerforum (german translation).
Importantz for the determination are the sketches provided in S. Fokin's original work: Shape and size of the cell, shale and number of micronuclei, contractile vacuoles and their feeding canals. The sketches are found in the original work: Paramecium genus: biodiversity, some morphological features and the key to the main morphospecies discrimination.
Mi = Micronucleus (kleiner Zellkern)
kV = kontraktile Vakuole
Po = Porus der kontraktilen Vakuole
Key to species is found in the original work or in the German translation (see above link).
Unsichere Arten
P. chrysalis (Ehrenberg, 1838) is obsolete. Ehrenberg described Pleuronema crassum. Wichterman (1986) synonymized P. putrinum und P. trichium. He also reported P. putrinum may provide 2 Mi (see also P. pseudotrichium). Alfred Kahl (1931,1935) described many Paramecium species, of which a few were redescribed more recently [2,3]. Wichterman (1986) reported few species as doubtful: P. nephridiatum (Gelei, 1925), P. traunsteineri (Kahl, 1931), P. chilodonides (Kahl, 1931), P. ficarium (Kahl, 1931), P. pseudoputrinum (Kahl, 1931), P. chlorelligerum (Kahl, 1935), P. dubosqui (Chatton & Brachon, 1933), P. porculus (Fauré-Fremiet, 1953), P. silesiacum (Sramek-Husek, 1954). Some were recently redescribed.
In jüngster Zeit bestätigte Arten
Of the doubtful species the following have been confirmed until today: P. dubosqui (Shi, 1997), P. nephridiatum (Fokin, 1999), P. chlorelligerum (Kreutz et al. 2006, Lanzoni et al. 2016). Fokin (2010) mentioned P. ugandae und P. jankowskii (Dragesco, 1972) need to be redescribed. P. chlorelligerum can be easily distinguished from P. bursaria by measuring caudal cilia. P. chlorelligerum also provides a spherical micronucleus.
- S. I. Fokin. Paramecium genus: biodiversity, some morphological features and the key to the main morphospecies discrimination. Protistology 6 (4), 227– 235, 2010. Link: ... ac0684.pdf
- A. Kahl. Urtiere oder Protozoa. Volume 21. Hamburg: Gustav Fischer, 1931.
- A. Kahl. Urtiere oder Protozoa. Volume 30. Hamburg: Gustav Fischer, 1935.
- R. Wichterman. The Biology of Paramecium (2nd ed), Plenum Press, New York, 1986.
- T. Bauer, 2018. Paramecium! Vortrag zum Dörnbergtreffen der Mikroskopie, 30.8.-2.9.2018, Dörnberg bei Kassel (Presentation available from the author).